benefits of a home inspection

Top 4 Benefits of a Pre-List Home Inspection When Selling Your Home. Top rated real estate agents in Toronto. Toronto real estate agent

Wednesday Jun 26th, 2024



real estate advice


Video transcript


#realestatetipsforsellers #homeinspection #homeinspectiontips #sellingrealestate #Torontorealestateagent  


✨ Dive into the Top 4 Reasons why getting a pre-list home inspection is a game-changer when selling your property. Whether you're a seasoned homeowner or selling your first home, these insights will help you stand out in the market and secure the best possible deal.


🔍 Here's what you'll learn:

1. Transparency: Build trust with potential buyers by providing a detailed assessment of your home's condition.

2. Time-Saving: Eliminate inspection contingencies and move closer to a firm, no-condition offer.

3. Deal Assurance: Prevent deals from falling apart by disclosing potential deal breakers upfront.

4. Issue Resolution: Address minor issues before listing to present a clean report and attract stronger offers.


💡 Pro Tip: By addressing any issues found in the inspection report, you can enhance the appeal of your home and potentially increase its sale price.


If you found this video helpful, don't forget to like and subscribe for more real estate tips by clicking here!

Stay tuned for Part 2, where we'll share additional insights on pre-list home inspections.


clickable timestamps

00:26 - the first major benefit of a pre-list home inspection report

00:32 - what is a Home Inspection Report

00:46 - the benefit of being transparent with buyers 

1:01 - the second major benefit of a pre-list home inspection report

1:32 - how providing a reputable third-party home inspection report helps remove a home inspection condition

1:40 - the third major benefit of a pre-list home inspection report

1:47 - two ways a home inspection report prevents a deal from falling apart

2:50 - the fourth benefit of a pre-list home inspection report

3:45 - the main purpose of a pre-list home inspection report

4:15 - contact Karen's team


full video transcript


Hi everyone! It’s Karen from Toronto.

Today we’re going to share four top reasons on how a home inspection will benefit you, when selling your home!

Like many homeowners, you want to ensure a smooth and stress-free process when you sell one of your properties. One of the things you can do, to help set you apart from the rest of the homes for sale, is providing a home inspection report to potential buyers.

This is sometimes referred to as a “pre-list home inspection report”.


The first major benefit of providing a home inspection report to potential buyers is transparency. When a reputable third party home inspection company is hired, a detailed report provides an assessment on the condition of the home’s interior and exterior, including an assessment on the structural integrity along with a review of the major components of the home. By providing a detailed home inspection report upfront, you’re being transparent about the condition of your home, and it shows buyers that you have nothing to hide. This helps to build trust right from the start, and buyers will feel more confident submitting an offer.

A second benefit of providing a home inspection report to potential buyers is that you’re saving time and it brings you one step closer to a firm offer. Now, you might be wondering how a home inspection report can save you time. Well, unless there are multiple offers on your home, most buyers will understandably want a home inspection conducted. Instead of anxiously waiting for the buyer to conduct a home inspection and not knowing if there are any issues that might come up, potentially causing the deal to fall apart, why not be proactive and provide the home inspection report to the buyer? Providing the report will help remove the home inspection condition which gets you one step closer to a firm offer with zero conditions.

A third benefit of providing a home inspection report to buyers is that you’re helping to prevent the deal from falling apart and there are two ways that the home inspection report helps with this. The first way that a home inspection report prevents a deal from falling apart, is by avoiding buyers who would pull out of a conditional deal for certain deal breakers. For example, if a home inspection report indicates that there’s knob and tube wiring in the house, and it’s a complete deal breaker for certain buyers who can’t get insurance on that property, then by disclosing that upfront in the report, we’re preventing a deal from falling apart because buyers who have knob & tube wiring as a deal breaker won’t submit an offer on the property.

The second way that the home inspection report helps prevent a deal from falling apart is by possibly removing the need for any conditional period. Let’s say a seller decides to save some money and not provide a home inspection report: if a buyer inserts a home inspection condition, sometimes during the conditional period a slightly better house in the neighbourhood comes up for sale at a similar price. I’m sure you know what might happen. Your buyer could very well be eying the new home for sale and they have a way to pull out of the deal during this conditional period. Even though buyers are not supposed to use the home inspection condition as a reason to pull out of the deal to purchase another home, it certainly happens. So don’t take the chance: avoid the home inspection condition altogether and hire a reputable company to provide a home inspection report to prospective buyers.


The fourth benefit of getting a home inspection report when selling your property is that you can address any issues in the report to help make the report look better, before sharing that report with prospective buyers. For example, if the report mentions issues that are easy to fix such as a double-tapped breaker, these are simple issues that can be addressed by hiring an electrician. It’s to your benefit, to address as many issues in the report as you can, especially the simple repairs because fewer issues in the report will increase your chances of selling the home at a higher price. A clean report alleviates a buyer’s concern about unexpected expenses, enabling them to submit a strong offer with greater confidence. Be sure that once any issue is remedied in the home inspection report, that you inform your home inspector so that the inspector can remove that issue from the report for you.


So now you know four top reasons for getting a pre-list home inspection done. The main purpose is to alleviate hesitations or concerns that a potential purchaser might have, so that they can confidently submit a strong offer. And that’s our goal when selling a property: we’re taking steps to help us achieve the highest price possible with the best terms.

If you found this video helpful, go ahead and click that like and subscribe button now, to keep informed of future real estate tips. And stay tuned for our part 2 video where we share additional tips on getting a pre-list home inspection when selling your property.

In the meantime, if you’re looking for a trusted real estate team in the Greater Toronto Area, to give you that competitive edge when selling your home, give our team a call.





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