Our Latest $25 Amazon Gift Card Winner! Toronto real estates with the best reviews
Tuesday Oct 04th, 2022
#contests #giveaways #giveaway #winagiftcard #guessthesoldprice #makerealestatefun #Torontorealestate
Thank you very much to everyone who entered our previous $25 Amazon gift card giveaway .
The lucky winner whose guess was closest to the property's sale price was Arv G .! 🥳👏🏻
Our "Listing of the Week " at 36 Pendeen Ave in Toronto sold for $860,000 after spending a little over two months on the market. Our team is extremely thankful to be a part of this journey and our client is happily moving forward from this estate sale 🙏🏼
See below for further details. With the GTA currently experiencing a Buyer's Market, we are seeing properties taking considerably longer to sell and with many listings making adjustments to a lower list price before finally selling.
We will be hosting another Amazon gift card giveaway soon. Stay tuned or sign up for our newsletter to be notified of our future giveaways @ bit.ly/Torontorealestateupdates
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